i really enjoyed my time in edinburgh....despite the weather. but that's edinburgh for you. crazy pouring rain when we got there from munich. we had to walk a very steep "hill" onto the royal mile with our extra heavy backpacks on...in POURING rain. myself and jodie felt immensely miserable. but once we reached out hostel, the amazing view of edinburgh castle welcomed us. the view from our room? george heriots' school. so nice to look at specially at night.
it's a city that is very rich in history. duh? it's a very old city. i love listening to stories, specially legends and folklore, from and about the medieval times. lots of craziness and gore back then.
every trip changes you. mostly, for the better. that's why i encourage people to travel. try something new, see something amazing, learn something foreign, understand better, adapt, and meet wonderful people along the way.
watching the sunset up on calton hill was really a blessing. it was relaxing up there. my original plan was to go up arthur's seat but my poor tired legs...oh well.
oh oh and i also tried some haggis. soooo delicious! haggis' main ingredients are sheep's heart, liver, and lungs. man, i wish i had more. now every time i see a flock of sheep, i count to myself "haggis....haggis.....haggis..."