Wednesday, October 28, 2009

do you know what an older man can give you?

candies and.....wait for it....AIDS!

Posted via web from akomuzikera's posterous

think you can rock this job?

'nuff said

Posted via web from akomuzikera's posterous

Sunday, October 11, 2009


a thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue,
but the parent of all other virtues.

it is thanksgiving weekend here in canadaland. canadians celebrate it on the second monday of october. we're not really big on thanksgivings in this household. the reason behind it is, i guess, we grew up learning to be thankful for whatever every single day...not only for A day.

every year there's that inevitable thanksgiving question that makes you think of the cliches and the specifics. "what are you thankful for?"...a good question to ponder upon and eventually force your mind to play flashbacks of your amazing year. good times or bad, it is something to be humbled about. everything happens for a reason...ripples of reasons. clear reasons that only the highest power can provide. and by highest power, i mean God.

what am i thankful for?

my generous family.
amazing friends.
amazing new found friends.
ability to create.
places to see.
food on my table.
roof on my head.
socks to keep my feet warm.

happy thanksgiving!

what are you thankful for?

Friday, October 9, 2009